Daisypath Wedding tickers


Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

We had such a great 4th of July. Theo made french toast for the family from this amazing challah bread that we got from Delicious Bakery during our cake tasting. Amazing french toast. Theo thinks french toast made from Hawaiian rolls are the best, but he's yet to make them.
We relaxed all day then spent the evening at my future In-Laws... aka, 4 doors down. It really is convenient spending holidays with both our families when they live on the same block. Instead of migrating up to the church that does a big fireworks show and having to brave the massive crowds, we stayed on the block and set off a great deal of illegal fireworks.

Our dogs were a wreck. My family's dog Ruby better than Theo's dog Dre. Dre spent most of the night in our bathtub, she jumped in there herself. Here's my parents bringing Ruby to see the fireworks.

Some good friends of ours have an almost 2 year old and it was really awesome seeing his face light up watch the fireworks.

I can see how holidays are more exciting again when you have children. I'm excited to one day take our kids to Disneyland, and see them wake up Christmas morning, and feel that wonder that they're experiencing. I bet it's kind of like being a kid again, maybe even better. Speaking of firsts, I really can't wait for all the firsts Theo and I will have as a married couple. First kiss, dance, trip (Cancun!).... think I'm getting just a little excited about our wedding being almost only 2 months away?? I think so!

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